I ain’t got no crystal ball

I made two predictions yesterday on PredictWallStreet.com. I predicted Google and Yahoo! would close down and I was right on both. This is comforting news after I had been predicting so incorrectly the past few times. Apple is up today as well, although it has not hit the price it did yesterday. Looks like fans weren’t as impressed by the new iPod Nano. McDonald’s is also up today, but I predicted UP yesterday at 63.88 and this morning its at 63.71. I have found that making predictions either in the morning or closer towards the market close is a better idea because this is when the stocks are usually stabilizing at either there lower or higher price. The middle of the day always reflects the highest price the stock could hit that day and then either stays there till closing or drops dramatically. So from now on I will try to make my predictions earlier or later in the morning.

I’m off to go shot the video blog. It’s still a work in process but is getting there. Baby steps…

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